The World Legal Forum (WLF) Foundation aims to enhance the effectiveness of international law by organising interaction between stakeholders and by stimulating the development and application in The Hague of new international legal products and instruments. This aim is achieved by:
- Acting as an intermediary between knowledge institutes, judicial, political and commercial parties. WLF organises meetings and conferences that serve as forums for discussion between private and public policymakers, academics and practitioners;
- Developing, or contributing to the development of research projects in the field of international law or related fields;
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One of the functions of WLF is to offer a platform for public and private actors in international law.Innovation, especially in the constantly developing world of international law, starts with the launch of well substantiated and refreshing ideas. We invite you to come up with any ideas and suggestions that contribute to legal predictability in the global economic arena. WLF aims to:
- bridge the gap between academia and practice by connecting knowledge and know-how;
- stimulate the creation of innovative international legal products and services.
You are invited to provide us with ideas and suggestions and we will inform you within short notice to what extend we can help you to implement your idea.
(Photography by Wan Chi Lau)

Our conferences, expert meetings and seminars are a moment of interaction and cooperation between public and private entities in our changing world order, which helps to share ideas and opportunities and to further develop new products and services in the international legal and economic environment.The practical value of novel ideas needs to be tested on its feasibility. Interaction between stakeholders is essential the better to tailor innovative products to market needs .
We will investigate to which extent your ideas can be brought into the next development phase and will find ways to connect them with academic expertise and business perspectives .

WLF professionalized the process of developing an idea into a new international legal instrument. With the support of many public and private stakeholders, WLF set up two new institutes for International Dispute Resolution .The first, the P.R.I.M.E. Finance Dispute Center, was launched in January 2012 as a project for assisting judicial systems in the settlement of disputes on complex financial transactions. It has since become the P.R.I.M.E. Finance Foundation.
The second instrument, ACCESS facility , was developed with a view to support greater access to non-judicial remedies by supporting human rights compatible, interest-based problem solving to prevent and resolve company-community conflicts.
There are plans for a third initiative to provide a cost-efficient, swift and simple alternative for resolving civil corruption disputes. To this end, it is the aspiration of WLF to create a Forum of Anti-fraud and Corruption Experts (FACE) .
" The next generation of international lawmakers will be private parties. "
Statement of Boutros Boutros-Ghali to the WLF secretariat (May 2007)